Falsification, manipulation, lobbying – Philip Morris falsified data on IQOS
Philip Morris lies about IQOS to enrich himself at the expense of American health
Bitter truth about Philip Morris
News of the truth about the international sponsor of the war in Ukraine
Philip Morris lies about IQOS to enrich himself at the expense of American health
Philip Morris International (PMI), one of the world’s largest cigarette corporations and an international sponsor of war, is trying to change its position in the era of declining smoking rates,…
A competitor's "order": who is behind the blocking of Vynnyky Tobacco Factory
Philip Morris vs. the Armed Forces: why the tobacco giant is destroying Ukrainian business
The war against the tobacco monster: Vynnyky factory is fighting for survival, and the budget is losing billions
Philip Morris International is pressuring the Verkhovna Rada to reduce excise duties on aces sticks - political analyst Vitaliy Kulyk
Philip Morris International, which sponsors Putin's murderers, inaugurated its new factory in Ukraine. To the sounds of "She is not dead yet..." and the waving of blue and yellow flags.…
At some point we will wake up and we have it written in the Constitution that Philip Morris is the sole source of power in Ukraine.
Today, the news spread across Ukraine that Philip Morris International has opened a new factory in Lviv region, in which it has invested $30 million. Only no one mentions that…
The tobacco corporation has been doing business on blood since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, and despite promises to leave the market of the killer country, it…