50 найбільших іноземних компаній у Росії - 2023. Рейтинг Forbes

The telegram channel Joker drew attention to the position of tobacco giants, who not only remained in Russia during the third year of the war, but also funded the army, supporting the Putin regime.

Philip Morris enjoys significant tax benefits in Ukraine

Tobacco monopolists received these benefits back in 2013 under Yanukovych and Azarov, immediately after entering into a shareholding with Tedis distributor Kaufman. And there’s no need to say much about Kaufman and Tedis’s ties to the Russians.

For ten years, they have been robbing Ukraine’s budget by reducing the ad valorem rate from 25 to 15%. This is more than 100 billion that could be spent on defense, but Phillip Morris prefers to keep this money for himself and pay it to the Russian budget for the Russian army.

However, despite promises to withdraw from Russia and not invest, the company continues to trade, even hanging the Ukrainian flag on its facades. Last year, their revenue amounted to 399.9 billion rubles.