iqos шкідливіший за цигарки

The tobacco epidemic remains one of the biggest threats to public health. The numbers demonstrate a cruel reality. Numerous studies have shown that heated tobacco products are not only as harmful to health as traditional cigarettes, but also cause acute consequences, said Dr. Musherref Shule Akchay, professor at the Medical Faculty of Bashkent University.

Akçay noted that e-cigarettes cause a disease called “EVAL” and that the worst thing is that this disease is epidemic, especially among young people. The professor said that while 7 million people worldwide have died due to the Covid-19 epidemic, 8 million people die annually due to tobacco products.

This is a problem that is being raised around the world, and Istanbul’s AKP MP Müşerref Pervin Tuba Durgut held a press conference in parliament with teachers from the Initiative to Protect Children from Tobacco Epidemic and Harm.

Emphasizing that they are fighting against tobacco products, not cigarette cartels, Durgut said that cigarette companies are provoking deadly epidemics.

“Attempts by Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies, to force young people to use heated tobacco products in the face of declining cigarette consumption have been exposed. This is confirmed by documents leaked today from Philip Morris Japan. This shows that there is an insidious plan to influence politicians, healthcare professionals, businesses and consumers,” he said.

Stating that the International Organization for Tobacco Control (STOP) had disclosed the company’s marketing plan in Japan, Durgut noted that this revealed the global company’s multifaceted strategy to influence politicians.

“Although Philip Morris Japan, on the one hand, creates an image of war with traditional cigarettes by resorting to the discourse of a “smoke-free environment,” on the other hand, it continues its activities to maintain its position as the world’s second largest traditional cigarette company.

This paper supports the tobacco industry’s use of heated tobacco products in smoke-free environments. The document shows that the tobacco industry is lobbying for low taxation of heated tobacco products, spreading unsubstantiated claims of harm reduction properties, and trying to create a new type of tobacco epidemic with e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products,” said Durgut.

Philip Morris International positions itself as an innovator striving for a “smoke-free future.” However, this mask hides a brutal reality: the company makes billions from selling cigarettes that kill millions of people every year.

70% of Philip Morris International’s net income ($31 billion in 2021) comes from the sale of hundreds of billions of cigarettes. This is hypocrisy of the highest order!

E-cigarettes and tobacco heating devices, which are marketed as “less harmful,” are not actually safe. Moreover, they lure young people into the nicotine trap, as teenagers and young adults believe the lies of the tobacco giants.

The aerosols of such devices contain a high concentration of hazardous and toxic substances that are harmful to health and lead to serious illnesses.

Professor and Doctor of Toxicology Ismet Çok emphasized that teenagers and young men are exposed to 9,000 chemicals at the same time when using e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products such as IQOS Philip Morris.

“Our high school youth have a new toy in their pockets. The first one is mobile phones, the second is e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products, and they threaten their health. In our ongoing research, we are the first in the world to have new findings on the changes in our DNA caused by heated tobacco products. Heated tobacco products cause serious DNA damage,” said Ismet Çok.

Philip Morris International doesn’t care about a future without cigarette smoke – they only care about preserving their billions of dollars in profits.

Philip Morris International, the company that finances Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, now has the status of an official international sponsor of the war in Ukraine. This status is shameful and contrary to all principles of humanity and morality.

In addition, Philip Morris International is actively lobbying in Ukraine, trying to promote its interests through politicians.

One example of such activities is the legislation lobbied by PMI in Ukraine that introduces a 20% tax preference for tobacco heating systems (THS). This decision contradicts the interests of the Ukrainian state and is harmful to the health of citizens.

It is important to note that PMI opened a new tobacco factory in Lviv region in May 2024, when Ukraine was already fighting a fierce battle against the Russian occupier. This shows that PMI not only does not care about Ukraine, but also continues to support the aggressor. Ukrainian society should be clearly aware of this situation and demand that the authorities stop lobbying for Philip Morris International.